Teaching & Service

Independent Teaching (@ University of Pittsburgh)

Spring 2023, PHIL1410 (Philosophy of Action): Mental Action. For the syllabus, click here

Summer 2021, PHIL0300 (Introduction to Ethics). For the syllabus, click here

Teaching Assistant (@ University of Pittsburgh)

Fall 2023, PHIL0300 (Introduction to Ethics). Primary Instructor: Aaron Abma.

Fall 2022, PHIL0300 (Introduction to Ethics). Primary Instructor: Shawn Simpson. 

Spring 2020, PHIL0610 (Philosophy and Science). Primary Instructor: Kate Stanton. 

Fall 2019, PHIL0462 (Introduction to Philosophy of Mind). Writing Section Leader. Primary Instructor: Kate Stanton. 

Spring 2019, PHIL0300 (Introduction to Ethics). Primary Instructor: Nandi Theunissen.

Fall 2018, PHIL0450 (Theories of Knowledge and Reality). Primary Instructor: Greg Strom. 

I have a syllabus for Ethics of Emerging Technology, which you can find here

Professional Service

Referee for

Review of Philosophy and Psychology


Philosophy of Science

Philosophical and Phenomenological Research

Philosophical Psychology

Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 

Member of the Diversity Committee for the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Summer 2023-Present). 

Graduate Student Mentor and Module Teaching Assistant for Open Doors Philosophy Academy (Summer 2023). 

Organizer for a Teach-In celebrating trans scholarship (April 2023). 

Organizer for Philosophy Department Speaker Colloquia Series and Horowitz Lecture (2021-Present)

Grünbaum Librarian (2022-Present)

Chair of the Pitt-CMU Graduate Student Philosophy Conference Committee (2019)

Member of the Pitt-CMU Graduate Student Philosophy Conference Committee (2018)

Department Representative for the Graduate Student Organization (2018-2019)

Undergraduate Philosophy Mentor (2018-2020)